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1. Lin TY, Abbassi NEH, Zakrzewski K, Chramiec-Głąbik A, Jemioła-Rzemińska M, Różycki J, Glatt S.; The Elongator subunit Elp3 is a non-canonical tRNA acetyltransferase Nat Commun 10.1038/s41467-019-08579-2

2. Rembacz KP, Zrubek KM, Golik P, Michalik K, Bogusz J, Wladyka B, Romanowska M, Dubin G.; Crystal structure of Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase (MELK) in complex with dorsomorphin (Compound C). Arch Biochem Biophys 10.1016/

3. Krutyhołowa R, Hammermeister A, Zabel R, Abdel-Fattah W, Reinhardt-Tews A, Helm M, Stark MJR, Breunig KD, Schaffrath R, Glatt S.; Kti12, a PSTK-like tRNA dependent ATPase essential for tRNA modification by Elongator NAR 0.1016/

4. Dauden MI, Jaciuk M, Weis F, Lin TY, Kleindienst C, Abbassi NEH, Khatter H, Krutyhołowa R, Breunig KD, Kosinski J, Müller CW, Glatt S.; Molecular basis of tRNA recognition by the Elongator complex.; Sci Adv 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2326

5. Mucha O, Podkalicka P, Mikulski M, Barwacz S, Andrysiak K, Biela A, Mieczkowski M, Kachamakova-Trojanowska N, Ryszawy D, Białas A, Szelążek B, Grudnik P, Majewska E, Michalik K, Jakubiec K, Bień M, Witkowska N, Gluza K, Ekonomiuk D, Sitarz K, Gałęzowski M, Brzózka K, Dubin G, Józkowicz A, Dulak J, Łoboda A.; Development and characterization of a new inhibitor of heme oxygenase activity for cancer treatment.; Arch Biochem Biophys 10.1016/

6. Basu S, Yang J, Xu B, Magiera-Mularz K, Skalniak L, Musielak B, Kholodovych V, Holak TA, Hu L.; Design, Synthesis, Evaluation, and Structural Studies of C2-Symmetric Small Molecule Inhibitors of Programmed Cell Death-1/Programmed Death-Ligand 1 Protein-Protein Interaction J Med. Chem 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b00795

7. Zak KM, Kalińska M, Wątor E, Kuśka K, Krutyhołowa R, Dubin G, Popowicz GM, Grudnik P.; Crystal Structure of Kluyveromyces lactis Glucokinase (KlGlk1). IJMS 10.3390/ijms20194821.

8. Musielak B, Kocik J, Skalniak L, Magiera-Mularz K, Sala D, Czub M, Stec M, Siedlar M, Holak TA, Plewka J.; CA-170 – A Potent Small-Molecule PD-L1 Inhibitor or Not? Molecules 10.3390/molecules24152804

9. Dawidowski M, Kalel VC, Napolitano V, Fino R, Schorpp K, Emmanouilidis L, Lenhart D, Ostertag M, Kaiser M, Kolonko M, Tippler B, Schliebs W, Dubin G, Mäser P, Tetko IV, Hadian K, Plettenburg O, Erdmann R, Sattler M, Popowicz GM. Structure-Activity Relationship in Pyrazolo[4,3-c]pyridines, First Inhibitors of PEX14-PEX5 Protein-Protein Interaction with Trypanocidal Activity. J Med. Chem 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01876

10. Kluza A, Wojdyla Z, Mrugala B, Kurpiewska K, Porebski PJ, Niedzialkowska E, Minor W, Weiss MS, Borowski T. Regioselectivity of hyoscyamine 6β-hydroxylase-catalysed hydroxylation as revealed by high-resolution structural information and QM/MM calculations. Dalton Trans 10.1039/d0dt00302f

11. Krutyhołowa R, Reinhardt-Tews A, Chramiec-Głąbik A, Breunig KD, Glatt S.; Fungal Kti12 proteins display unusual linker regions and unique ATPase p-loops. Curr Genetics 10.1007/s00294-020-01070-2

12. Wątor E, Wilk P, Grudnik P. Half Way to Hypusine-Structural Basis for Substrate Recognition by Human Deoxyhypusine Synthase. Biomolecules 10.3390/biom10040522

13. Janczak M, Hyz K, Bukowski M, Lyzen R, Hydzik M, Wegrzyn G, Szalewska-Palasz A, Grudnik P, Dubin G, Wladyka B. Chromosomal localization of PemIK toxin-antitoxin system results in the loss of toxicity – Characterization of pemIKSa1-Sp from Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Microbiol Res. 10.1016/j.micres.2020.126529

14. Wątor E, Rutkiewicz M, Weiss MS, Wilk P. Co-expression with chaperones can affect protein 3D structure as exemplified by loss-of-function variants of human prolidase. FEBS Lett 10.1002/1873-3468.13877

15. Wilk P, Wątor E, Weiss MS. Prolidase – A protein with many faces. Biochimie 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.09.017.

16. Fortuna P, Twarda-Clapa A, Skalniak L, Ożga K, Holak TA, Berlicki Ł. Systematic 'foldamerization’ of peptide inhibiting p53-MDM2/X interactions by the incorporation of trans- or cis-2-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid residues Eur J Med Chem 10.1016/j.ejmech.2020.112814

17. Magoch, M.; Nogly, P.; Grudnik, P.; Ma, P.; Boczkus, B.; Neves, A.R.; Archer, M.; Dubin, G. Crystal Structure of Mannose Specific IIA Subunit of Phosphotransferase System from Streptococcus pneumoniae Molecules 10.3390/molecules25204633

18. Pabis M, Termathe M, Ravichandran KE, Kienast SD, Krutyhołowa R, Sokołowski M, Jankowska U, Grudnik P, Leidel SA, Glatt S. Molecular basis for the bifunctional Uba4-Urm1 sulfur-relay system in tRNA thiolation and ubiquitin-like conjugation. EMBO Journal 10.15252/embj.2020105087

19. Reinhardt-Tews A, Krutyhołowa R, Günzel C, Roehl C, Glatt S, Breunig KD. A double role of the Gal80 N terminus in activation of transcription by Gal4p. Life Sci Alliance 10.26508/lsa.202000665

20. Magiera-Mularz K, Kuśka K., Skalniak L, Grudnik P, Musielak B, Plewka J, Kocik J, Stec M, Weglarczyk K, Sala D, Wladyka B., Siedlar M, Holak TA, Dubin G. Macrocyclic Peptide Inhibitor of PD‐1/PD‐L1 Immune Checkpoint Adv Th 10.1002/adtp.202000195

21. Magiera-Mularz K, Kocik J, Musielak B, Plewka J, Machula M, Grudnik P, Hajduk M, Czepiel M, Siedlar M, Holak TA, Skalniak L Human and mouse PD-L1: similar molecular structure, but different druggability profiles iScience

22. Wilk P, Kuśka K, Wator E, Malecki PH, Wos K, Tokarz P, Dubin G, Grudnik P; Structural Characterization of Glycerol Kinase from the Thermophilic Fungus Chaetomium thermophilum IJMS 10.3390/ijms21249570

23. Kojic M., Gawda T., Gaik M. … Glatt S., Wainwright B. Elp2 mutations perturb the epitranscriptome and lead to a complex neurodevelopmental phenotype Nat Commun 10.1038/s41467-021-22888-5

24. Sonani RR, Kurpiewska K, Lewiński K, Dubin G. Distinct sequence and structural feature of trypanosoma malate dehydrogenase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.04.033

25. Zak KM, Bostock MJ, Waligorska I, Thogersen IB., Enghild JJ., Popowicz GM., Grudnik P., Potempa J., Ksiazek M. Latency, thermal stability, and identification of an inhibitory compound of mirolysin, a secretory protease of the human periodontopathogen Tannerella forsythia J Enzyme Inhib and Med. Chem 10.1080/14756366.2021.1937619

26. Kumar M , Markiewicz-Mizera J , Janna Olmos JD , Wilk P , Grudnik P , Biela AP , Jemioła-Rzemińska M , Górecki A , Chakraborti S , Heddle JG A single residue can modulate nanocage assembly in salt dependent ferritin. Nanoscale 10.1039/d1nr01632f

27. Muszak D, Surmiak E, Plewka J, Magiera-Mularz K, Kocik-Krol J, Musielak B, Sala D, Kitel R, Stec M, Weglarczyk K, Siedlar M, Dömling A, Skalniak L, Holak TA. Terphenyl-Based Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Programmed Cell Death-1/Programmed Death-Ligand 1 Protein-Protein Interaction J Med Chem. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.1c00957

28. Butera R, Ważyńska M, Magiera-Mularz K, Plewka J, Musielak B, Surmiak E, Sala D, Kitel R, de Bruyn M, Nijman HW, Elsinga PH, Holak TA, Dömling A. Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Imidazopyridines as PD-1/PD-L1 Antagonists. ACS Med Chem Lett. 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.1c00033

29. Zyla E. ,  Musielak B., Holak T.A., Dubin G. Structural Characterization of a Macrocyclic Peptide Modulator of the PD-1/PD-L1 Immune Checkpoint Axis Molecules 10.3390/molecules26164848

30. Ghilarov D, Inaba-Inoue S, Stepien P, Qu F, Michalczyk E, Pakosz Z, Nomura N, Ogasawara S, Walker GC, Rebuffat S, Iwata S, Heddle JG, Beis K. Molecular mechanism of SbmA, a promiscuous transporter exploited by antimicrobial peptides, SCIENCE ADVANCES 10.1126/sciadv.abj5363

31. Banaś, A.M.; Bocian-Ostrzycka, K.M.; Dunin-Horkawicz, S.; Ludwiczak, J.; Wilk, P.; Orlikowska, M.; Wyszyńska, A.; Dąbrowska, M.; Plichta, M.; Spodzieja, M.; Polańska, M.A.; Malinowska, A.; Jagusztyn-Krynicka, E.K. Interplay between DsbA1, DsbA2 and C8J_1298 Periplasmic Oxidoreductases of Campylobacter jejuni and Their Impact on Bacterial Physiology and Pathogenesis J. Mol. Sci. 10.3390/ijms222413451

32. Izabela Stupka, Yusuke Azuma, Artur P. Biela, Motonori Imamura, Simon Scheuring, Elżbieta Pyza, Olga Woźnicka, Daniel P. Maskell, Jonathan G. Heddle Chemically induced protein cage assembly with programmable opening and cargo release; Science Advances 10.1126/sciadv.abj9424

33. (PREPRINT) Alex Matsuda, Jacek Plewka, Yuliya Chykunova, Alisha N. Jones, Magdalena Pachota, Michał Rawski, André Mourão, Abdulkarim Karim, Leanid Kresik, Kinga Lis, Igor Minia, Kinga Hartman, Ravi Sonani, Florian Schlauderer, Grzegorz Dubin, Michael Sattler, Piotr Suder, Grzegorz Popowicz, Krzysztof Pyrć, Anna Czarna; Despite the odds: formation of the SARS-CoV-2 methylation complex; bioRxiv 2022.01.25.477673;

34. Biela, A.P., Naskalska, A., Fatehi, F. et al. Programmable polymorphism of a virus-like particle. Commun Mater 3, 7 (2022).

35. Cryo-EM reconstructions of BMV-derived virus-like particles reveal assembly defects in the icosahedral lattice structure; Milosz Ruszkowski, Aleksander Strugala, Paulina Indyka, Guillaume Tresset, Marek Figlerowicza and Anna Urbanowicz –

36. Ravi R. Sonani, Artur Blat, Grzegorz Dubin, Crystal structures of apo- and FAD-bound human peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase provide mechanistic basis explaining clinical observations, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 205, 2022,

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