Hypusination, unique posttranslational modification of specific lysine residue, is in a center of interest of our hypusination team. New funding has been awarded to Elżbieta Wątor, Piotr Wilk and Przemysław Grudnik (PI) for the international cooperation with Synchrotron MAX IV in Lund (Sweden) for crystallographic fragment screening campaign. The minigrants are awarded by the POB BioS (BioS Priority Research Area – structural and translational biology) within the Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme at Jagiellonian University.
The aim of the study is to discover small fragments capable of binding deoxyhypusine synthase from T. vaginalis for the future design of the highly specific inhibitors and activity modulators. This computationally expensive task will be largely automated using dedicated IT infrastructure at MAV IV laboratory and new expert pipeline 'FragMAXapp’.Link to the results of the contest HERE.